________________________________________________________________ OpenTrap (VERSION 1.00) Copyright (c) 1997 Ziff-Davis Publishing Company Written by Rick Knoblaugh and Gregory A. Wolking First Published in PC Magazine, US Edition, July 1997. ________________________________________________________________ About OpenTrap... OpenTrap is a 32-bit application that runs only under Windows 95. It lets you record file system activity so you can diagnose problems with your system, or just see what's going on behind the scenes as you work. INSTALLATION: Place the OpenTrap.EXE, OpenTrap.HLP, and OpenTrap.CNT files files in the folder of your choice. You should move the FUNCTRAP.VXD file to your Windows SYSTEM directory, then create a shortcut to OpenTrap.EXE. To remove OpenTrap from your system, follow the instructions in the online help. ***IMPORTANT NOTE*** If you also have our BigBin utility installed on your system, you should be aware that OpenTrap and BigBin share the FUNCTRAP.VXD virtual device driver. For both programs to work correctly, there must be exactly one copy of FUNCTRAP.VXD on your system, in your Windows SYSTEM directory. USAGE: OpenTrap's commands and functions are largely self-explanatory. If you have any questions, all of the program's controls and features are documented in the online help. When you first launch OpenTrap, it will automatically register the .OTL extension used for its OpenTrap Event Log files unless you already have that extension associated with another application. This allows you to open or print an OpenTrap Event Log from Windows Explorer by right-clicking on the file and selecting the appropriate command from the pop-up menu. By default, OpenTrap launches in its idle state, ready to begin logging file system events. Use the Start command on the Logging menu or click the traffic light icon in the toolbar to have OpenTrap begin recording events. Similarly, use the Stop command or the stop sign icon to have OpenTrap stop logging and display the events (if any) that it recorded. OpenTrap will stop logging automatically if its buffer fills. To minimize its impact on your system's performance, OpenTrap does not display events while it is logging, only when it is idle. You can use the File/Save and File/Save As commands to save your log in OpenTrap's native format. The File/Save As Text command lets you export your logs as ASCII text (either as displayed in the main window or in comma-delimited format) for use by other programs. Use the Logging Options dialog to control the size of OpenTrap's buffer, which events it will record, and whether or not the main window will hide itself to a system tray icon while logging. Use the Filter Options dialog to limit the information that OpenTrap displays, such as files with a particular base name or extension, files accesses by a particular program module, and so on. You may also select a custom font, which OpenTrap will use for both its screen display and printed output. The logging and filtering options can be saved independently for automatic use each time you start the program. OpenTrap automatically saves its window size and position, toolbar layout, and font setting when you exit the program. Except for a custom font, all of OpenTrap's settings can be specified on the command line to facilitate automated operation (e.g. from a shortcut in your StartUp folder), including an "AutoStart" option to have OpenTrap begin logging immediately after you launch the program. Support for OpenTrap: Support for the free utilities offered by PC Magazine can be obtained electronically in the discussion area of PC Magazine's Web site and in the Utilities section of ZD Net's TIPS Forum on CompuServe. For PC Magazine's Web site go to the URL http://www.pcmag.com/discuss/ and select the Utilities area. You can also access the Utilities discussion area from the utility's download page. The authors of current utilities generally monitor the discussion area every day. You may find an answer to your question simply by reading the messages previously posted. If the author is not available and you have a question that the sysops can't answer, the editor of the Utilities column, who also checks the area each day, will contact the author for you. For ZD Net's TIPS Forum (GO ZNT:TIPS). The authors of current utilities generally visit this forum daily. You may find an answer to your question by reading the messages already posted in the forum. If the author is not available and the forum sysops can't answer your question, the Utilities column editor, who checks this forum each day, will contact the author for you. Gregory A. Wolking is the primary sysop of the ZNT:TIPS Forum on ZDNet/CompuServe and the PC Magazine Utilities discussion area on the Web (www.pcmag.com/discuss.htm). _____________________________________________________________